Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dylan's turns 14!! (YIKERS!!)

Oh our Dyl-Pickle...what a character!!! I won't lie, I was very nervous about him entering the Jr. High phase. Let's be honest...his very active & curious nature about him could be trouble!! Dylan?!! Nooooo!! :} But, he has soaked it all up & Jr. High is doing him well! Between being in the Ensemble Choir; Student Council; continuing with his B-Boy, wresting, & whatever else he manages to fit in; to being in the school play, Suessical The Musical (A Wickersham Brother, which are the evil monkeys.....could there be a more fitting part?! :}), I'm glad to see he's using his energy & spunk to his advantage!! He has no problem showing his school spirit! :}  
 Lucky guy got to get braces this past year! 
Glad he's kept up with the B-Boy & taken advantage of a few of the battles!
 His cuteness continues to keep my smiling on a daily basis! (or make me want to strangle or the other! :}) 
Yea, he's cool! :} 
It's nice when your kids don't need a big party to celebrate their birthdays. Just as long as they're hanging out with their buds, playing ball or whatever they do! It works for me! :} 
 He's got some great friends too! 
...despite their goofiness! :}
Happy Birthday Dyllie! :} 
Kaley made him his own cake too! :}
Yea, he's bad...don't forget it! :} 
Entertainment while the scores are being tallied for the competition! Leave it to Flex! :} 
So, despite the fear of "What goes around comes around" far so good!! :}

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