Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer BBQ

I suppose this could still officially be considered the "Annual Coleman Five 4th of July Party", despite "cancelling" it this year due to circumstances of life. But, we still just HAD to get together with SOME of our friends, especially ones like Sandra, who just got back from living in China. Or Daniella, who always makes the effort to be here each year no matter what state she is currently living in!  So, call it a party, call it a "Summer BBQ", call it whatever you want to call it. Sorry for those we missed this year (or to those who got the message it was back on too late!)...hopefully next year it will be back as usual, as this is something we enjoy doing each year! :} But, as always, still glad to get any friend/family time we can!
This is what happens when Bradon & Moses get a hold of your camera! :}
...and this is what happens when big brother picks on his little brother & friends!
(really, no actually punching was involved...atleast not that I know of!! :})
He does love his Mama, I know it! :}
I guess I could let Melissa know she was being spyed on through the fence now...ha ha! :}
Kaley still feeling the festive spirit of the 4th of July with her painted hair!
Kids seemed to be fine without the Bouncy Houses this year. They still had the water slide!
The boys trying some tricky basketball dunks (does it count though when they lower it so much? :})
And glad Paul & Melissa could join us...we just don't get to see them often enough!
There was some cool "action shot" going on here I believe :}

It still allowed me to try out the new flag cake pan I got from Avon
And since Daniella lives in California now, it gave her an excuse to take a road trip in her nice new ride!
..which of course we had to take a spin in!! :}
Thanks to those who did still come join us (sorry, I was in lazy mode & surprisingly didn't take many pictures this I know!! :})

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