Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy 93rd Birthday Grandma!!

I realize this is debatable, some of you THINK you have the cutest Grandma; but, I'm pretty sure we win there! Grandma Tate turned 93 this week! Though she has had some recent medical issues, and had her stay in the hospital/care facility recently, overall I say she's doing pretty good for 93! Which speaking of, gave me some good quality time with her as we took turns staying with her during that time. I had to laugh at the comment she made while having dinner with her at the nursing home..."These people are so old here!" (as if she's not :}). Her mind is very sharp, she has a great memory! I would say that's credit to her loving to play games, especially card games, and reading. She keeps her brain active! We have to laugh at what a worry wart she is though when it comes to having her makeup (or "having her eyebrows on") & hair done, always wanting to look perfect. What she doesn't realize is we all ready think she's beautiful & perfect, as Kaley had to remind her while visiting in the hospital. Silly Grandma! We love our time with her & are happy for every day we get! We're so glad our kids have gotten to know their Great-Grandma. She's even a Great-Great-Grandma now with Haiden that's something you don't see a lot of!

I love you Grams!
And so does Kaley!
And the rest of them do too of course!
Meanwhile, there's Daddy & his girl. Just too cute not to capture! :}
Happy Birthday's to more ahead!!

Rockin' On.....

This weekend Doug & I actually got to get away without the kids! It's rare we get a chance to go overnight somewhere without them. I believe it's good for you though! :} We headed out to Wendover to take in a bit of old 80's rock at the Loverboy concert. You might know songs from them, like: Working for the Weekend, Lovin' Every Minute Of It, Turn Me Loose, The Kid Is Hot Tonight, When It's Over..and more. As you know, we love our concerts! You've got to appreciate all kinds of music & watching people living out their dreams, while keeping people entertained!
It was great to have a couple's weekend with our good friends, Tina & Dennis
We're ready to rock on!
Let the show begin!
We were fortunate enough to get 2nd row (good job Tina! :}), so we got to be right up there close to the band, even getting a few high fives along the way from band members :}
Powerful vocalist, Mike Reno, doing his thing

Lead guitarist, Paul Dean

Keyboardist, Doug Johnson

Bassist, Scott Smith
Dummer, Matt Frenette, signing autographs after the show
30 Years and they're still rockin'!!
Tina was certainly "Lovin' Every Minute Of It"
Then after the show, we weren't quite done with the fun. We checked out the band, Phat Daddy, at our casino. They also jammed to some great 80's I definately got my singin' & dancin' in for the weekend! :}
Their friends, Rob & Cindy (our U of U tailgating buddies), were also at the show. We got to meet up for breakfast the next morning. You would have thought it was a day of a big Utes game or something. You can't tell they're fans now can you?! :}
Cindy deserves a whole blog to herself as she has a very inspirational story, especially for all those struggling to lose weight. She is now down over 150 pounds!! That's a whole's amazing! And she has a good sense of humor about it all. I loved hearing her talk about what a difference it was to actuallly fit in the concert seat, or just there at the table. Or how good it felt to walk around without needing the wheelchair. We know it's a constant battle; but, she's proof it can be done! Way to go Cindy!!

The Lumberjacks in action!

So this was a funny moment I just had to share. Our neighbor across the street, Orsen, decided it was time to bring down the Cotton Tree (and Thank God since we would get a lot of it at our house when the cotton would allergies didn't care for it! It seriously would look like it snowed on our lawn after a windy day!). As much as you hate to see trees come down, it was a bit out of control, so do what you've got to do. He got an estimate that was an insanely high amount of money. So, leave it to Paul & Doug to take on the mission themselves. Who needs professionals?! At first I had to question, this is an awfully big tree. If it fell in any other direction than it did, there could have been some windows shattered, or roofs smashed. But, I suppose I shouldn't doubt those two when they set out to do something! Just watching them out the window while planning this gave me a good laugh in itself. Like little boys planning some mischievious kind of adventure. And mind you, this is also Doug after being up since 3 AM to set up the road blocks for the SL Marathon that morning. You would have thought he might want to rest first; but, not Doug. So, they decided they'll get a rope, the chainsaw & Doug's truck & they should be good. And for those of us watching on, it was pure entertainment!
If you know Paul, you would know that look says it all...he loves this kind of stuff!
"1, 2, 3....hit the gas!!"
And here it comes! With a thundering crash, the 1st section was down (and if any neighbors were still asleep, they weren't anymore)
I know it was hard work; but, you know Paul loved playing with his toy too! :}
On a side note.....SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!
I love to see the tulips finally start to bloom! I was wondering if it was ever going to happen!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Good times with the friends

We're not done celebrating our friends entering the "40's" seems to be a good one to celebrate! :} This one was for our classmate, Chris Summers. He's a good guy, we were glad to be in touch with him again after so many years! Chris knew how bad some of our other friends wanted to be there, if only they didn't live in other states! So, why not have them join the party in another way...let's just say Heidi & Tracey "on a stick". Oh, we had way too much fun with this, they were the life of the party! And what a fun idea, I think he's on to something! It's almost like they were really there! :}
Classmates together again....Ruby, Holly, myself, "Heidi", Sandra, Leslie & "Tracey". Good to have time with my girls! :}
Other friends from school: Trapper, Mike, Chris & Jeff
I think we had some pretty awesome class mates! Love our Colts...we'll always have that bond of growing up together!
Heidi, meet Holly's beautiful daughter, Brittany
Celebrate growing old together! (we can't fight it, might as well enjoy it! :}) How fun that Ruby & Chris have become a couple now, once reuniting after 20+ years. They're just cute little love birds now! :}
She obviously knows him well...and know he loves his toys! Once a kid, always a kid! :}

Bye to our neighbors, the Newkirks

You've got to appreciate it when you come across wonderful neighbors. Let's be honest, you don't get to, you never know! We are fortunate in that category! The Newkirks: Mark, Tammy, Braeden & Hailey; have been our neighbors since the beginning when we built our home in 1994 (really, all ready 15 years?!). We would see them walking around the neighborhood & knew they had a young son. Our Bradon & Dylan were anxious to have a new friend, so we finally decided to go meet them. They weren't home, we left a note that our boys would like to play with theirs, and the rest was history. As Tammy & I learned we were both pregnant once again, we were excited to find out that we were both having girls, and that they would be close in age. Then Hailey & Kaley (and no, that wasn't planned) became best friends, only 6 weeks apart in age! Sadly, as life happens, time came for them to move. Fortunately it's close so they can still see each other. Of course, we couldn't send them off without a little BBQ Farewell Party.
Kaley had planned a slumber party before she moved. Coincidentally, her other friend Haley, from school, was moving this week too (yes, it was sad for her!) the 3 girls had a night of dancing, playing dress up & being silly like they do so well! :}
This is them watching Mamma Mia together, while they danced & sang along. They love the music from that show (that's my girl! :})
Other friends joined along @ the BBQ, like Bailey & Madison. Of course they had to get some dancing in.
Maddy was cracking us up. She's got some moves.
Kaley's sure going to miss Hailey!
Good luck in your ventures Tammy & Mark!
We'll all miss you!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Dyl-Pickle!

Our little Dylan has made it to 11 years old all ready! With having such a memorable birth, it's hard to believe that it's all ready been that long! Let's be honest, we love our Dylan; but, we're a little scared of him becoming a teenager! So, we'll hang on to the last couple of years of "childhood" that we can! What he wanted most was to go to his 1st official concert of one of his favorite bands, "Fall Out Boy" (we can't count that rock concert he got to see as a child when we got free tickets...he had no idea who Dio or Deep Purple was! :}). He's very in to his music these days...and well, you know I can't fight that! I think everyone should appreciate all kinds of great music! So, we got to make it a Mom & Son evening, which I loved! As much of a stinker as he can be sometimes, he sure is a cutie too & has been very loving to me lately. I've got to soak that in while I can! :} And since I am also a fan of Fall Out Boy, worked out well for me too! :} The show was at our local historical sight, Saltair, which is right on the salt flats of the Great Salt Lake. And the best part...and I quote, "I'm not such a bad mom after all!". That's all I can ask! :}

ROCK ON!! :}

One of the opening bands, another band we enjoy listening to together, "Metro Station"
We also were introduced to another opening band, "All Time Low". They've got a good sound themselves. And they are soon becoming another favorite to Dyl, as you'll understand why in a moment!
Then it was time for Fall Out Boy to entertain us! They started in suits with a whole "comic to the corporate world theme", which I certainly get. Been there, done that!
Having an awesome time!
So, as I was talking about "All Time Low", they happened to be hanging out in the back after the show. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Dylan got to meet them, which he thought was just the coolest thing!
Jack Barakat here was kind enough to take pics & sign his shirt. He was thrilled!
Happy Birthday Dylan...we hope you enjoyed your gift! :} (I know I did! :})