Monday, April 27, 2009

The Lumberjacks in action!

So this was a funny moment I just had to share. Our neighbor across the street, Orsen, decided it was time to bring down the Cotton Tree (and Thank God since we would get a lot of it at our house when the cotton would allergies didn't care for it! It seriously would look like it snowed on our lawn after a windy day!). As much as you hate to see trees come down, it was a bit out of control, so do what you've got to do. He got an estimate that was an insanely high amount of money. So, leave it to Paul & Doug to take on the mission themselves. Who needs professionals?! At first I had to question, this is an awfully big tree. If it fell in any other direction than it did, there could have been some windows shattered, or roofs smashed. But, I suppose I shouldn't doubt those two when they set out to do something! Just watching them out the window while planning this gave me a good laugh in itself. Like little boys planning some mischievious kind of adventure. And mind you, this is also Doug after being up since 3 AM to set up the road blocks for the SL Marathon that morning. You would have thought he might want to rest first; but, not Doug. So, they decided they'll get a rope, the chainsaw & Doug's truck & they should be good. And for those of us watching on, it was pure entertainment!
If you know Paul, you would know that look says it all...he loves this kind of stuff!
"1, 2, 3....hit the gas!!"
And here it comes! With a thundering crash, the 1st section was down (and if any neighbors were still asleep, they weren't anymore)
I know it was hard work; but, you know Paul loved playing with his toy too! :}
On a side note.....SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!
I love to see the tulips finally start to bloom! I was wondering if it was ever going to happen!

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

He he.. Boys and their toys... Whish I could have been a spectator for that! And happy spring! It is nice to see it in bloom!