Sunday, July 26, 2009

Have you met my friend, Sandra?....

Meet another long time friend, Sandra (Kidd) Pannell. Sandra lived on my same street growing up. A lot of her siblings were the same age/friends with my siblings, so we seemed to know each others families well! I love that about our old neighborhood! There was so many kids, we were all a pretty tight nit group. I'm sure I've mentioned it before; but, I loved the traditional outside games we used to play together like Kick The Can, Steal The Flag, or whatever fun activity allowed us to run around in the streets of the neighborhood. You see those emails that talk about "the good old days" and that kind of neighborhood. Ours was definately it! We played until the parents would scream out the door telling you it was time to come in. There was the 4 of us who would tend to always be together, especially on those summer days/nights! This was Melissa Workman, Sandra Kidd, Pam Jones & I. We were always switching clothes (OK, let me rephrase....they would let me wear thier clothes despite me always ruining them & after I got a job & actually started buying a few of my own, they would borrow them every now & then :}). We would have so much fun at camps together, usually the ones that were causing a bit of mischief! :} Like one year, after Poltergeist came out, and we stacked all the chairs from the different camps into the middle of the field in the middle of the night. I can't tell you how many times we sat in our rooms talking about the boys, or singing & dancing to that fabulous music of the 80's! I will always think of Sandra when it comes to Prince...we probably listened to Purple Rain 200 times or more while sitting in her room (oh, the smile that brings me :}). We definately went through our rebellious stages together...though she had one up on me with the mohawk & spiky hair! :} Of course, my "80's Hairstyle" wasn't any better! Probably one of my favorite "rebellious moments" was when we sluffed Sunday School & stole Mom & Dad's car to go to McDonalds. Sure enough, the car overheated & I drove home panicked that it was going to blow since a lot of smoke was coming out of it! We made it back just as it stalled in the driveway, shaking like crazy, just in time to get back to Sacrament Meeting. And as I looked across the pews & saw her, all I could do was giggle that we made it back without the parents even knowing (again, sorry Mom & Dad :}).
Sandra moved away years ago & pretty much swore off ever moving back to Utah. I know she had her's not an easy place to live when you don't completely agree with the culture & all! :} But, we know it's a beautiful state & once we can get past the differences that shouldn't matter, I think she realized it's not such a bad place after all! (OK, so she may still need a little persuasion; but, she is back now regardless! :}) She moved back this past winter & I believe was one of the few who was loving all the snow we got this year! She's been living in Georgia, so she's missed it! Personally, I would have been happy to ship it down to her if she missed it that bad; but, hey, to each their own! :}
So she finally got to make it to the Coleman Bash this year. Unfortunately I didn't get a whole lot of time to catch up as I was busy being the Hostess; but, it meant a lot that her & her family could make it still! We got to finally have some one on one time last weekend which was very nice! It's interesting to sit & talk to a long time friend & see where life has taken them. Who knew the paths we'd take, the hardships we'd experience, the blessings we would have, the roller coaster ride along the way. But, to be able to sit back & reflect, and know we've survived so far (which, let's be honest, was not something we were sure of at some points in life), is a pretty darn good feeling too! :} Sandra has become the technology gu-ru over the years & is the one who got me blogging, and Facebooking, and even a little Twitter now & then (though I just don't have time for that too often ). Regardless, she's taught me how easy it can be to stay in touch, no matter where you are, and how you never have to lose those friendships you are fortunate to create in life. Thanks for thanks Sandra, luv ya girlfriend! :}


Bunnie said...

Aw! Thanks for making me cry!
I am so deeply touched by your post. So beautifully written.
I could not be luckier than to have a friend like you all these years. Really, you are the only one I have kept in contact with all of these years, consistently.
Your friendship means so much to me. And you're one of the few really genuine people I know.
We do have some pretty incredible memories. After all we are "blood sisters"! :)
Love you girl! <3

Colleen said...

It was great to see Sandra at the party. You were some crazy girls growing up! Love the car story!