Wednesday, September 15, 2010

14th Annual Coleman Five 4th of July Bash

Now that it's September, and I'm trying to figure out where the heck summer actually went; how about I catch up on the blog, and then maybe I"ll figure that question out. And though I wasn't sure we could pull it off this year, with being an insanely crazy time; somehow, we managed to continue on with the tradition. It's always interesting to see how it will turn out since it's always a little different each who can & can't come, who's there for the 1st time, or whatever. Regardless, I must say so always turns out well, and we always have a great time! :} This year I thought it would be fun to print off a whole bunch of pictures from the years past & make a collage of The Coleman Bash of years past. Of course, I never found time to do it myself; so, it made for a project for some there. It was fun to reminisce and see many long time friends over the years (and those that we haven't seen in a long time!), and then to see the kids growing up in the meantime. 

Dear friends, Tina & Dennis, who were a huge help in pulling it off this year! 
Besides my own, I must say Jules makes the CUTEST Grandma ever! :}
So, we are fortunate each year to get the Bouncy Houses from our buddy, Alex. Fortunately for Alex, business is good lately, so we almost didn't have any to use ourselves. Now that we have had them for a few years now, we just couldn't not have any, so we ended up renting one (and getting the other slide from a friend). Then, sure enough, Alex shows up Friday night due to a we had extra. Good thing we have such great neighbors who allow us to take over the circle like we do (of course, a few of them love it too! :})! It figures the 1st year we decide to add some water fun, it wasn't very hot this time. But, that didn't stop them from trying before it got too chilly.
Dylan was digging this one! 

If kids are happy, parents are happy....right? :


The kids trying to dry off & get warm again

So glad to have the Moultons there, as everything was still just settling from the funeral & all. They needed a fun day of laughs & a good time with friends to help clear thier minds, even if just for an evening.  

       I love my family! :}

 Sure love our neighbors too! :}

             Bradon & his best buddies, Connor & Moses     
A little basketball is always entertaining

Good to have my old friends, Melissa & Sandra, there this year too!

"The Hotties of 5235 South" :}
I think there's a party goin' on!

Thanks for taking over the BBQ duties Greg! :}
"Hank, you're so strong!!" :}
How awesome to see long time friends, Scott & Cindy, and kids, walk in. It's been a long time! 

Always love being with our "Extended Family"...the Bonko Gang! Silly Julie took over the camera duties for a while. Apparently she thought I needed more pics of her! Ha Ha! I I luv ya Julie! :}

So glad Kathleen brought Troy & we finally got to meet the man!

Our little girls were so excited to get their cute matching dresses from Mexico! 
Of course they had to model & dance in them for us! :}

Also first timers, Lisa & Todd Sharp came to see what the fun was all about!          

Pretty cool sunset this night
The benefit of having the man work for Utah Barricade. You need lights, we got lights! :}

Kaley & Asia, who went through multiple outfits this night (such girls! :}) 
The hosts actually stop & see each other for a moment! :} 
Jeff, aka:" Glow Stick Man" never disappoints & is always a hit of the party!  

Now, I must say that is a pretty stylin' wheelchair with all those glow sticks!

Tyler, are you sure you have enough?! :}

Going for a ride on Grandma's back
"...Ohhh, watch out Grandma!" :} 
Al doesn't even know what to think! :} 

Still more fun to be had! :}

Everyone ready for fireworks!

Good to have Diane, Al & Iszacc join us this year too!
Iszacc showing us his strength!
Good thing Grandpa has the ball while he's got the cooler! :}
Time for the Adults turn in the Bouncy House! We do what we've got to do to keep us young, right?! :}

We finished the night off with Michelle singing a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem. She has an amazing voice!
These boys must be up to mischief!

Their friends, Thearvy & Helen
I think it's time to call it a night! :}
"Good morning kids!! Oh Moses, that's cute that you got the Hello Kitty blanket!" :}

The joy of any kids getting to sleep over the night of the party, is that they get to be on clean up duty the next mornin!

Kaley is obviously thrilled to be part of this! :}
Are they cleaning up...or are they setting off more fireworks? Ummmm, yea....

Might as well get a little more fun out of the slide. They decided it would be fun to add a little dish soap to make it more slippery. And then there's our Dylan being his normal goofy self! :}

"Mom, I have bubbles in my eyes!" (never mind I told them so! :})
Our memory collage (and guess I need another bulletin board as I have many more pics to add :})

The best part of this...not forgetting those loved ones who have since passed, like Mitch & Jacob, for example! We miss you guys!  
And there we go, another great celebration of the great country we live in, the freedom we are so privileged to have, and the friends & family we're so blessed to have! :}

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