Wednesday, April 27, 2011

St. George Spectacular

We are now in the midst of year 2 of "Solos" for Kaley. We were so proud of how she just got right in last year, never phased by nerves or the large crowds. She does seem to have dance running through her veins! One event we look forward to is the St. George Spectacular, where she gets to perform at the Convention Center. We were also hoping that meant we got to escape to some warmth, like we usually get in St. George; but, not this time. Oh well, I guess that's not why we were there! :} Here's Ms. Sassy Pants in action with her "Pineapple Song" routine (which is perfect for her personality! :})
We are so proud of all the girls...they all seem to just have it in their heart, which is what you hope they truly get from the art of dance! :}
Little injury...good thing Dad's there to save her! 

Kaley sure loves her Dance Sisters! :}

Christy is one busy Dance Mom with all 3 girls!! But, she does it well! :}

It's always fun when they get to come on & all get silly together with the group dance for fun! 
We enjoyed getting a lunch in all together, including getting time with their fellow Dance Friend, Lauren Mickey, who now lives down there! 
Christy managed to get someone from Glitter Toes to come to the Hotel Lobby to have some fun girl time! 
...and of course, there was some pool time! :} (despite the chill in the air!) 
A moment of attitude maybe?! :}
Great to see Amy (Lauren's Mom) & Chris again as well. We had just started Dance Biz about the same time they were getting ready to move; but, we also found out we have other mutual friends, through the small world of Facebook. (and realized I probably saw her many times in my high school days, as she worked with some of my good friends, who we visited at work a lot!). They are a darling family! :} 
Fun fun! I'll have more on the Solo Season to come. We have our last competition, as well as the Team Competition, this weekend. Until then...keep on dancing! :}

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