Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Finishing up the Utes Football Season

Despite having to miss the beginning of the football season, I was glad to still make it to a few games & soak in a little of that Utes Football Fun! Always good to run into other friends in the tailgating lot! :} Like the Johnson's & Jessica. 
...or my old school buddy, Jeff
What a good sport Kyra was to join us (keep in mind, a big BYU Fan!) on a very cold wet day!
The snow wasn't going to ruin our fun! :}
We've tried hard to recruit her...she's not giving in! :}
My sweet lil' Kaley used her money to pay for both of us to get our painted :}
Jess made these fun hair bows (that of course Kaley had to buy too! :})
Getting in the last bit of tailgating fun for the season
Love our Dance Biz Family! :}
Our football neighbors for many years now
Let's Go Utes! 
Can't they just take a normal picture?! :}
"C'mon Dyl...pretend you are thrilled to be with your Mother!" :}
I had to sneak over to the other side to see my other favorite Utah Fans! :}
Great seats over here! :}
Luv my Tina!
Good to run into Megan & Brett, more of our Dance Biz crew, there too! :}
Another season come & gone. Our 1st year in the Pac 12, ending 8-5. Not fabulous; but, not bad. It's exciting to be able to play some bigger teams now. All ready looking forward to next years!! 

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