Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bonko Fun with my girls

It's hard to believe it's been almost 17 years since I joined this fabulous group (which actually began over 18 years ago). I could not, nor would I want to, imagine my life without my Bonko Sistas! I'm sure you've heard be say that a million times before, and I'll keep saying it. They truly are "My Chosen Extended Family", as I like to call them. We're so glad that Maryann is back in Salt Lake & joining us again!! :) And as she's mastering her culinary arts, we are more than happy to let her try out her cooking skills on us anytime!! :)
Welcome back Mary!! :)
As life takes it's course, sometimes that means others have to move on. As much as we hate that, it's a fact of life! Not going to lie when I say I was very sad to hear that Suzanne would be moving to Seattle soon. Simply for my own selfish sake that is...it's a great thing for her! :) But, fortunately, her company is allowing her to come back & work here one week every month (which is awesome!), so hopefully it will almost be like she never left!
I truly love these girls...as they have been there through thick & thin, and talked me through many ups & downs along the way!
Our Silly Julie giving me a pose! :)
"Bonko!!" :)
Now the game itself is not always (or usually, for that manner) the only source of entertainment!  For example, if there happens to be a Pogo Stick there, some may try it again after MANY years (for their own sake, we will go ahead & spare those hillarious pics! :}). A Pogo Stick can also make a good prop for some Limbo action! :}
It's NEVER a dull moment when we are together. Thanks for always being there my Sistas! :}

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