Monday, September 21, 2009

One reason we love this time of year...

As much as we don't want summer to be over, there certainly are the things we love about this time of year too! Like the changing of the leaves, for example. I suggest everyone take a drive up to the mountains to appreciate this! :} It's also the beginning of the season for our favorite TV shows! Nothing like 'The Office' to keep you laughing! And personally, I'm pretty darn excited for Grey's Anatomy & Desperate Housewives to start this week too!! (and good thing for DVR so I can actually watch my favorite shows since I'm usually never home when they're actually on :}). But, I'd have to say the best part of this time of year is the fact football season is in full gear! The boys are well under way with their games, NFL has begun, and, of course, the thrill of college football is something we really enjoy too!! :} It's so fun to watch the boys out there playing! It's been great watching them grow together as a team, and learn about working together. (I'll take any help with life lessons that I can! :}) Both of the boys have been working hard at being the best they can be, we're VERY proud of them!! :} What makes it even funner this year, is that Doug is helping out as the Offensive Coach for Bradon's team. He's so good with the boys, I think this has been real good for him (and Bradon :}), despite the many hours that goes into this! Doug is also the one who makes sure all the games are video taped, then the boys come over & watch them. Of course, even on the "non-practice" days, they are doing what?...yea, playing football! :}

My job this year is to be "the banner maker"...right up my alley! Though I wonder why I spend so much time when they just rip through it anyway?! :}
The only hard part about this year is that the boys are usually at different fields, different times, so Doug has to miss most of Dylan's games, as I do Bradon's :{. We'll get in what we can; but, since Doug is coaching Bradon's team, I will be at Dylan's. It's his first year; but, he is loving it & has picked it up quickly, with much thanks to lots of practice with his brother! :} It's fun for him to be playing with his good friends, like Taylor & Grant (poor Taylor here broke his arm the first week of practice!....the joys, and scares, of football!)
The boys are working hard, they can't get enough of the oranges at half time!

I'm sure they have the best cheerleader around! :}
And in OT, they get their 1st win!! Whoo Hoo, way to go boys!! :}
How awesome that Aunt Colleen was able to come watch too! (she rocks! :})
Then we were off to catch the 2nd half of Bradon's game. As a bonus, we got to see our nephew, Taylor, on the field too!
Fun to see Uncle T & Brianna! You never know who else you might run into on the football field! Kaley loves helping to hold the banner at half time
And doesn't it make a pretty dress?! :}
Our Quarterback has done it again with some impressive plays....he's really got a good arm! (of course the whole team was impressive; but, have to boast a little about our own of course! :}). Another successful game down, which makes them 3-0 so far! :}
She's so cute! :} This reminds me of a picture of myself as a child, when I had fallen asleep with the football in my hands :}

So, if you wonder what we're doing on any given Saturday during the fall season? Well, now you know! Let's go G-HOUSE!! :}

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

LOVE this! You guys are the biggest Utah/football fans I know.. You are all so stinkin' cute! I bet Doug is wonderful with the boys and is loving coaching and how cute that Kaylee cheers for her brothers. What a GREAT family connection you all share and have together! I have to come catch one of their games this season!