Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 Family Holiday Fun

Despite my bit of denial that the holidays were here once again, they still came...and somehow it still all worked out & better yet, the kids were happy & we survived! :} Not to single anyone/any gift out as being better than another; but, I have to say Kaley made it extra special with all her projects she worked so hard on. You have to love the sweet innocence of a child, and their excitement to share their projects. And she did work hard at it this year. She made drawings for all of us, and boxed & wrapped them herself. She could hardly wait for us to open them, it was precious! 
She told me I was extra special (don't tell the others! :}) since I got the "Justice" box (her FAVORITE place!)
Seriously....is this not just precious?! (just as she said)...and you have to love the misspelled words too!
I also got a special calendar for my desk, which I assume was the class project (which I was advised MUST be at work so everyone can see it, and not just at my home office desk :}). Gotta love it!
  Another favorite was this collage of pictures from one of my besties, Moni. Oh, there was a good flashback of our years together (and our big hair!). You know I love my pictures! :}
We always look forward to the Annual Cousin's Christmas party & getting to split up Grandpa's $ for all the kids! (and love that he does this each year!)
Whenever we're at Cathy & Jim's house, Kaley manages to get in the dress up box (surprise, surprise!)
Haiden was having fun with it too! :}

The best part of Christmas was getting to have Dad & Sherrie here this year. We were so glad they were able to make it up, though sorry we couldn't give them the snow they were hoping to see (they just didn't realize it was going to be here a few days later, after they left, when we got slammed!).
Kaley sure loves it when she gets to see Grandad! :}
And I know Toby misses him too! :}
"No you can't have my drink Toby!" :}
We got to enjoy a nice Holiday Dinner at Greg & Angie's new home for Christmas Eve (why/how I forgot the camera, I'm not sure!); but, glad we got the time with them too!
On to Christmas morning, and the kids are full of energy! Here's Ms. Kaley showing off her new hat.
Did I mention they were full of energy?! :}
Dylan happy in his Eagles gear!
Bradon diggin' his new shoes
Grandpa ready to open Kaley's gift (which she rewrapped...the 1st time it was in a big box; but, you could see inside, so she had to do it over so they couldn't peek! :})
Of course she had to help him open it!
Loving time with Gramma Sherrie!
I figured since Doug gets to go to a lot more Jazz games now, he should finally have a Jersey (YEAH for me in getting to surprise him with something! :})
That's right, "Fear the Jazz"!
Kaley thanking Dylan for his gift (oh, isn't that sweet! :})
And Dylan FINALLY gets his phone he's been asking for for 3 years now!
You can't tell he's excited can you?!
The kids loved the Paper Jamz Guitars Uncle Mike & Aunt Lisa sent (they are pretty cool actually!)
"Rock Out Gramps!" :}

We always look forward to spending some time at Grandma Tate's house on Christmas Day. We hope to catch some others in the Extended Family, as it's come & go all day, so you never know. Yes, that's the typical Mary & Spencer there, hiding behind the pillow, as usual! :} 
It was fun to have Annie home after her 1st Semester of College.
The cute Grandmas
Gotcha Spencer! :}
Merry Christmas Kiddos!
Kaley & Mary's daughter, Katie, budding up for the afternoon
The rest of her family

Kaley showing Grandma how her new DSI works & the slide show she's all ready made today. 
Finishing up Christmas Day with Game Time
Playing a Round or Two of "99"
Trying out the new game, Topple
Another traditional event is the Tate Family "After-Christmas" Party, where we do our best to catch up on the year's events with each other & all wonder where the year went!
Cousin, Amy's, boy...he's a ham, he was keeping me entertained!
Kaley & Katie are happy to meet up again
Always good to have Uncle Dave (and family) drive up too.
My cute Aunt Eileen
Hi Pops!
It's always fun to see the newest additions added to the line. This time it was Kelly's turn.
Thom being his silly self playing a little peek-a-boo
Little Ms. Sassy with her "extensions"
The kids keeping themselves entertained
The boys in the house of many rooms/angles!
Couldn't tell they were Mother & Daughter, could you? :}
Time for the kids to give us their performances. I'd say playing the piano being upside down is pretty talented!
While Uncle Mont does his stand up comedy in between acts, Katie got ready to sing for us
And apparently Kaley had a # for us (no, not planned or choreographed in any way; but, that's our Kaley!)
Mom (Grandma) talked Dylan into showing us some of his Hip-Hop moves. Which made me laugh between our two kids....man, has the "Christmas Program" changed over the years! :}
Her turn to sing
So cute!
Lisa sharing her beautiful voice
Amy trying to keep a hold of the rambunctious lil' guy!
Grandma & her kids (minus Julie who was out of town & couldn't make it up)
Sure glad for the wonderful family we have, they're the best! :}

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