As you hear me talk about often....I love any chance to get together with good friends or family. A few of these friends I've fortunately been able to stay in touch with over the years, through emails mostly, as we've gone on with our busy lives & moved all over the country. Since blogging & Facebook came around, it's been all the the better in being able to stay in touch, and reunite with old friends that we lost track of along the way. It happens, we realize that; but, it's nice to know they're never forgotten! :} And there's something about those that you grew up with too. Those who you shared your hardest years, and certainly some of your funnest times, with. The time when you were learning about life, who you are, learning from your mistakes together, and all the ackwardness that comes with that part of growing up! So, fortunately, when Heidi Northington came in town, it gave us a better reason/excuse (not that you need one) to get many of us together. I've known Heidi (as well as Allison Givens & Stacey (Nelson) Hoogveldt) since Kindergarten. Actually I think we went to pre-school together too if I remember right. Regardless...a LONG time! Heidi's mom used to put up with us girls all the time. We practically lived at their house & slept over almost every weekend. Fun times for sure! So here we are, 35+ years later from when we met & still our same fun selves! :} Ruby Pehrson so kindly opened up her beautiful home & we were so excited to have so many be able to show up!
It was also fabulous to see Sandra (Kidd) Pannell too, who recently moved back to Utah (though she swore she never would! :}). Sandra & I grew up on the same street, so also friends from a very early age. We got in all kinds of mischief together over the years! Many fun & crazy memories...oh the stories we could tell!
I haven't seen Holly Lunt since school, another fun one to be in touch with!
Glad to also have JulieAnn Carter Winward there too. She's been fun to be back in touch with, and exciting to hear her living her dreams through art & writing.
Stacey & I
Also fun to see June (Thurmond) Florendo & her adorable kids too!!
Holly, Sherri (Ewell) Steed & Michael Roberts all getting some good laughs in!
Kaley just adores Ruby!! She was attached to her all night. I wish I got the picture of her walking around in her stilletos too, darn it! :}
You always know how to have a party! I wish I had as many friends as you! So awesome.
Looks like lots of fun!
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