Friday, January 1, 2010

Amen to 2010!

Hey y'all! No, we didn't drop of the face of the earth..really! I realize it's been 2 1/2 months, and trust me, I'm having blog withdrawals! :} And there's been so many activities & events, it may take a while to catch up! But, there's just been to much else going on, it had to be put aside. Which are reasons why we say Amen to a new year...we're ready to have a fresh start again! Despite the fun times of 2009 (which is nice to look back at the blog to be reminded :}), it was just a rough year overall. Not only for us; but, for many of those we care about. Whether it's the current economic times, life situations, medical issues, whatever...there just seems to be a lot of stresses all around. And hard to not let it all get the best of us! So, we are more than ready for a new year, new beginnings, a new outlook on things. It's all what we make of it, we realize's just, where to start? Let's just hope we can stay focused & it's not just that "New Year Feeling" that goes away in a week or two! :} We wish you all the best of the New Year ahead & hope we can all strive for a year of hope & many blessings ahead!! :}

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