Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bonko with the Birthday Girls

So, is this Cupcake Tree just cute or what? Sweet MaryAnn, who was back in town for another Bonko night (lucky us), so kindly made this for the two birthday girls, Jules & Tiff. And the cupcakes were sooo delic' to boot!!
OK, so half of them were all ready gone by the time she actually lit the candles; but, I don't think they cared too much (and too bad if they did, since us piggys couldn't stop eating them, ha ha :})
Happy Birthday Girls!! Here's to many more together!! :}

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

How cute is that tree! What a fun idea!!! You and your ladies always have such a great time together. LOVE all the smiles and the memories you are creating and sharing.