Monday, June 9, 2008

And then there was concrete...

The pad is down! OK, so I realize it's actually been down a couple weeks now; but, I'm catching up! It's actually taken 2 weekends to get all the electrical done; but, that's done too! With, again, the huge help of Paul, they were able to get all the lights, outlets, etc. done without the need of hiring an electrician. I'm all for saving $ wherever we can! (as long as it's done right! :}). Doug has learned A LOT from Paul (seriously, don't know what we'd do without him between helping us build our 1st patio, finish our basement, and this..he's an all around talented guy!) Granted there's still a lot to go, it's coming along fast. The rock wall is next so we can get the flower bed planted...then the pond. Stay tuned! :}


Colleen said...

You guys are really coming along. When I was over there the other day I was impressed with how good it looks so far. Nice work!

Carla said...

Looks so good. Can't wait to drink margaritas on it with you!


Lissa said...

Ohhh it is looking so great! I can not wait to have a drink with you on it! :)