Sunday, October 26, 2008

Planes, Trains & Automobiles...and more

I believe we covered every form of transportation on this trip. Let's see...

The plane
The train

Our rental van

Carmon's truck

The Ferry

The Double Decker Bus


Our own two feet

Yep, I think we got it all covered!


Colleen said...

Definetly looks like you got it all covered. I'm not sure what 'Rigshaws' is, I'll have to google it. How many of you were there? Looks like lots of fun!

Shauna said...

Rigshaws are the little carts that the bikers pull. You know those ones in San Fran (and how they do that up the hill thing there, I don't how!). They're a blast. There's also a lot in Vegas, next time you're there. Faster & funner than a taxi!