Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh, what a show last night!! These two both proved they are both very talented & deserving of the title. So now I just don't know who's going to win!! I just couldn't vote this time actually because I love them both! I had to watch it again today while I was getting ready for work (another reason I LOVE DVR, or is the best invention ever!! :}). I tell ya, it was the best finales ever! They just sang their hearts out! Despite having to record the final show again tonight due to my class at the same time (which is all about the Americal Idol theme of course :})...I'll anxiously be awaiting the results (and if ANYONE tries to tell me who won before I see it...oh, you're in trouble! :})

Just having to highlight a bit of the Hometown visit with Archuleta at Murray High School, which is within just a couple of miles where I grew up. That's just made this all the more exciting! We play softball just across the street at good ol' Murray Park, where I've spent MANY summers!!

He certainly is loved by his hometown! (And my nieces!! :}) I mean...if he got my Grandma to start watching American Idol, then hey, he's gotta be good!


Colleen said...

I agree, what a show!! I also had to watch it again today. I was so impressed with both of the David's performances. I didn't agree with some of Simon's comments on Cook. They were both outstanding and made the finale show awesome. Before the show I thought Cook would likely take the whole thing, but after the finale, I can easily see it going either way. My favorite performance of the night was David A.'s 'Don't let the sun go down on me'. I love that song anyways, and he did the song proud. I'm excited to see what happens tonight.

Carla said...

By now you've got to know who won. Right? I wanted David Cook all along. YEAH!! I thought Archie was good, but to me Cook had a better stage voice and preformed better. (I personally like the "rocker" music.) Congrats to David Cook! (sorry the rest of the city is sad....NOT!)