Monday, September 29, 2008

Football Weekend Continued.....

Since that last post was plenty full of Football activities, figured I'd split it in two. Save the big game for last....Utes against Weber State Saturday night. THEY ROCKED...ONCE AGAIN!! Final score: 37-21. Whoo-hoo!! :} It was fun to see McBride there again (now coach of Weber)...though we like Whittingham of course, we always enjoyed McBride leading our team too & thought it was sad when he was gone. We know that's the name of the game too. It was Dylan's turn to go with Doug & I. You should have seen him trying to get the crowd going with the was too funny! He did it though (I realize some people get sick of this; but, c''s all good! :})...he just didn't exactly have good timing always :}. Of course, as always, fun to see Anjila down there on the field too.
Our friends who sit by us, Micah (who was holding Dylan up on the wave moment) & Abmer with their son, DJ...oh, he was so funny.."Don't touch the hair!!"


Jen said...

So cool! We need to make bets on what Dylan will be like when he's older. What a life of the party! You know I always say it, but I love the pictures. Seeing Sherrie and Anjila, and you and your family does me good!! I even like the other pictures in your other post showing the mountains in the background. Bummer Bradon's team didn't win. What a great kid!! He's bound for stardome I'm sure!

Carla said...

GO UTES! We tried to watch the score while in Vegas and was glad to see they won. Sorry Dylan's team didn't win, but I think sometimes it makes them (kids) play harder next time. I know McCall gets frustrated and then practices harder.

Your lives seem as crazy as ours. Having kids get older sure does take a lot of time from the day. Jeff and I are always driving someone somewhere to do something. ;) Do you ever feel like you rush rush rush to just sit and wait. HA HA!!

The life of a mom, huh?

Colleen said...

Go Utes, they are off to a great start. Love the pictures! Hopefully Thursdays game will add to the wins. What a cute family I have!