Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Total Football Weekend....

Our football weekend actually began on Thursday (or does it really ever end during "the season"?)....with The Granger Midgets over to our house for some BBQ & watching football clips from the games so far, hopefully to learn something. It was fun...cute boys, they are at such a funny age, you just gotta luv 'em! And did they learn anything? Who knows because you can't actually get them to be quiet! :} And good thing I had lots of air freshener & the air cleaner itself going...since they all had their shoes off in our house :} (takes me back to the good ol' days of the classes @ the Tae Kwon Do Center...or to my brother's bedroom too! :}). We can't believe we actually fit the whole team, and coaches in our little living room...but, it worked (they also got to see bits of that USC/Oregon State game in between...what a game! Makes me kind of nervous for our game Thursday against Oregon State. They also got a good laugh when Doug accidentally went to a tape from the last Christmas performance singing next to his old girl friend :}).

The next night involved attending the Granger HS football game...hopefully again, the boys could learn as they watch the plays (though hopefully, sorry to say, they were watching the East boys since ours...well, not really the ones to learn good plays from...they got slaughtered!). We were there to also watch Kaley perform with 'The Excalibur's' . They are the GH Dance Team that our good friend's daughter, Danielle, is on....who also happens to be Kaley's favorite babysitter ever :}...well, and Brooke too :}. It was so stinkin' cute...she really is a natural! (is it because I always have a camera? Hummm...:})

The following day, Saturday, was then Bradon's turn to play. This week up at Butler Jr. High...perfect football weather! Kaley & Riley enjoyed being the cheerleaders. They played a great game, held their own..up until the very end. East won with a safety in the last few seconds of the game...darn it, we were almost there! Good try anyway boys!

One other thing I love about football season....getting out & enjoying our beautiful fall days. I can never get sick of looking at these mountains either!!

Part 2 to come....

1 comment:

Colleen said...

How fun to have the team over..very brave to have so many boys in the house at the same time! Bummer that they lost in the last few seconds, sounds like it would have been a great game to be at. And you're right, Kaley sure is a natural! I think when they grow up, Bradon will be the quarterback, Dylan can be the mascot(the crazy/fun entertainer) and Kaley can be the cheerleader. Wouldn't that be fun!